Mountain Biking Allatoona Creek Park

Georgia’s primo purpose-built mountain bike park has something for everyone, from long cross-country loops to repeatable jump lines.

During your first ride at Allatoona Creek Park, you might wonder, “How is this place possible?” It began when Cobb County leased the 1,450-acre park on the northwestern outskirts of Atlanta from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and developed the forest into an extensive mountain bike system. Located on the edge of Lake Allatoona, the park offers a mix of beginner-friendly trails, flowy singletrack, skills areas and jump lines, with a stacked loop system that rolls through open fields, dense pine forest and bio-diverse wetlands. 

In sum, there are more than 35 miles of trails, all of which are well-marked and easy to navigate. You can put together an epic all-day cross-country ride here, combining most of the trails in the system, but Allatoona Creek is about more than just logging miles. In addition to a skills park, there’s a trio of jump lines that beg to be sessioned. Beginners can start with Mo Flo, the easy jump line with tabletops you can hit fast or roll over, and move your way through the intermediate Knuckle Sandwich (bigger jumps) before testing your mettle on Medusa, with its mandatory drops, wall rides and gap jumps.

The system sees a lot of traffic from local bikers, but SORBA West Georgia works hard to maintain the trails. Allatoona Creek also hosts a number of races, from annual cross-country speed fests to high school mountain bike team showdowns. The location and easy access also make the system popular with bikers traveling through the Southern Appalachians. 

Recommended Ride

Turtle Back was the first trail built (it opened in 2011), and it’s still the signature intermediate ride. It’s a 4.4-mile loop of fast, flowy singletrack with plenty of berms and the occasional rock garden to let you know you’re still mountain biking and not just on a roller coaster. If you’re looking for more challenges along this loop, a couple of optional extensions give you a chance to try some man-made features and jumps. The 1.3-mile Red Baron Loop is loaded with man-made features, like wooden skinnies, jumps and drops, and has a 100-foot rock garden that tests even the best bikers. The slightly shorter Whipper Snapper has much of the same, though with more natural features like fun boulder sections and the occasional gap jump over a creek. Combine all three trails and you’re looking at a 6.7-mile ride that gives you a solid taste of what Allatoona Creek has to offer. 

More advanced riders should connect Mumbo Jumbo, Voodoo and Hocus Pocus for an 11-mile ride that has more of a backcountry feel to it thanks to the narrower trail corridor, minimal maintenance and copious technical challenges like log crossings, off-camber root systems and short, steep climbs. You’ll also get views of the slow-moving Allatoona Creek once you reach Hocus Pocus. There’s not a lot of flow—this is more about the grind and overcoming the climbs and technical challenges. 

More Info

Download the trail map and learn about hunting regulations: 

The trails are directional depending on the day (hikers/runners traveling in one direction and bikers traveling in the other), and should be avoided after a heavy rain. SORBA West Georgia has up to date info on trail closures:

Getting There 

Allatoona Creek Park is off Old Stilesboro Road, about 8 miles east of Kennesaw, Ga.

Where To Eat/Drink 

Allatoona Creek Park sits in the middle of Atlanta’s booming suburbs, so there are chain restaurants galore on nearby U.S. 41. Head into downtown Acworth for more local fare. Center Street Tavern is a low-key pub just off Main Street with great wings and an extensive selection of local craft beer. 

All articles are for general informational purposes.  Each individual’s needs, preferences, goals and abilities may vary.  Be sure to obtain all appropriate training, expert supervision and/or medical advice before engaging in strenuous or potentially hazardous activity.